Strategic CFO Services

Small and medium companies need the same activities that normally fall under a CFO role in large companies – Strategic Planning, Financing (stakeholder management with banks and investors), Financial Planning & Controlling, Cash Management & Liquidity, Taxes, M&A. Often however these companies can’t afford or really need the typical CFO profile. CFO as a Service provides your company what you need in the doses you want.

You will get peace of mind knowing that your finances are taken care of by a group that brings their experience and commitment to your company’s success.

Business Plan

A Business Plan describes the plan of action designed to achieve a long-term goal of a company. It helps businesses to align the organization to achieve their desired results. It provides a “north star” for companies to follow and employees to rally behind. With this service, we help you develop this document as part of your long-term strategy.

You will have a clear long-term plan to achieve profitable growth for your company, more than this you will have an engaged team and clarity on what your company stands for and wants to achieve.

Annual Strategic Plan

At the beginning of the year, it’s important to understand your priorities and what you want to achieve for the coming year beyond the day-to-day execution activities. An Annual Strategic Plan provides you this clarity and in turn, a way to make sure that at the end of the year there are no unpleasant surprises and you hit your desired targets/ outcome.

You will obtain a specific set of plans to achieve your desired objectives for the year to improve your company’s performance.

Performance Management

Perhaps one of the tritest phrases in business is that you can’t improve what you can’t measure, but behind it is the very real and important idea of performance management. No matter what you think about this phrase, understanding how to measure different areas of the company and how these areas affect the overall performance of the company (typically defined as profitable growth for a for-profit business) is key for success, this is what performance management is about.

You will have a way to measure each area’s performance and their contribution to the company’s overall goals.


Governance in its simplest form is the way that companies make decisions. No matter the size of the company, it’s important to have this well thought out and documented. It provides transparency for all stakeholders and is a fundamental evaluation criterion for potential investors/stakeholders providing financing.

You will minimize the risks associated with a lack of strong governance: lack of accountability, overreliance on an employee, lack of coordination to name a few.

Transistion Support

One of the most critical and delicate moments for a company is the transition of ownership/leadership and companies sometimes don’t dedicate enough time to detail a well-thought-out plan. As its name implies, this service provides the support needed to make sure there is a seamless transition.

You will have an ally that walks closely with you in the planning of the transition of your business, helping you define every step to make it as painless as possible.

Operational Due Diligence

Operational due diligence refers to the analysis of the company from an external perspective. Regardless of whether you are a potential investor or an owner wanting to attract potential investors, having a clear understanding of the company’s operations, its strengths, and weaknesses can make a huge difference in the value of the company.

You will get a clear understanding of the company, either to help you make the right investment decision (if you are an investor) or to identify areas of improvement and opportunities (if you are the owner).

Monthly Implementation Support

We understand that sometimes all that’s needed is someone helping to make things happen, be it through bouncing off ideas, conducting specific analyses, helping facilitate meetings, etc. – this is what the monthly implementation support service provides.

You will have a true partner that cares for your success and immerses on your needs.


Diamond Client Consulting works as a team to provide you with the best resources, guidance, and service available.

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